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i feel like i'm stalking you but i'm sitting here, looking at the date and realize i missed your birthday (again). you are better than most and kicked the myspace to the curb. i had to do some googling and boy is it easier when you can remember someone's handle. hopefully, you don't mind.
i've been living vicariously through your pics since they've popped up on the interwebs. we live in the same big small town and never see each other. and i seem to have lost your numbers and i realize i don't even have your email address.
mae-mae + me are having a get-together like thing. housewarming/birthday party open house? 01/13/07. late afternoon/eveningish? we would love to see you if just for a minute but will understand if you can't make it out to north park north.
much love to you + ren + the rest of the fam. and many many scratchies and treats for her preciousness.
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