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So it's been about eight months since I've posted to Blogger, and it's time I get it going again. Not that I haven't been posting stuff at all; au contraire, I have a WordPress blog, a flickr account, a new VOX blog, and of course, a Myspace blog.
Each of these points of presence has had a distinct...uh...personality; meaning each one served as a different forum for my various expressive needs. And while this, my Blogger page, was mainly my place for political venting, I've decided to breathe some new life into it by opening it up to include more important topics, such as everyday Life!
What brought me back to Blogger was my friend, Matt, and his family (the picture above is of my son and Matt's son on the Zoo field trip), who have Plump Otter. Yes, blogging has become an integral part of our information-driven society, but at its heart is the simple "Here's what's going on with us from day-to-day" thing that makes it special. Maybe it's because Matt and I are kungfu brothers from ten years ago; maybe it's the fondness I have for his family; whatever it is, their blog has that special something that makes it a joy to read.
And that's what I'd like to put out there, ultimately. Not a bunch of pseudo-poli-psycho-babble that doesn't serve to do anything other than show how angry things are making me; rather, I want my blog to not only be a place where far-flung friends and family can see what I'm up to, but also a page that, if stumbled upon, is a joy to read.
Or maybe not. Whatever. Read it or not, I'll be here.
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