Do I Scare You?

Though I haven't really visited the blog much, PostSecret is generally pretty cool. This recent post (above), followed by the following messages, certainly gave me the opportunity to really examine the value of the site:
-----Email Message-----When I first saw this, I was infuriated. I thought, "Great, so PostSecret is be a place for closet bigots to anonymously air their fear and ignorance?!" I thought about all the responses I could offer that would convey my put-offèd-ness, about how I could submit my own, scathing message that would teach them that--
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 3:33 PM
Subject: Asians Scare Me
Don't worry, after VT, we have more reasons to be scared than you do.
-----End Message-----
-----Email Message-----
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 8:02 AM
Subject: PostSecret
I grew up being in fear that I was asian. Now after VT I too am more scared then ever. It's good to see that someone else feels the same way I do . . . That email message made me feel better about the situation we are in now.
-----End Message-----
And then I took a breath.
And I knew that anger does not beget understanding; understanding begets understanding. And I realized that these people were putting on display, if anonymously, their weakness, their fear, their ignorance along side other displays of vulnerability: a photo of a depressed kid's cutting, an apology for a long-ago hurt, an admission of a still-hurting long-ago hurt...
To rail against ignorance is not to enlighten; it is rather to repel. The ignorance must first be accepted to be addressed.
At the bottom of it, what made me mad was the overarching blanket of "Asians" in association with the tragedy at Virginia Tech. When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold took down a dozen students plus a teacher, were there people harbouring fears of "Whites" because of it? I doubt that PostSecret got any photos inscribed with "Trenchcoat-wearing, Disaffected white youths scare me," let alone, "Whites scare me."